
Showing posts from September, 2019

The Fool I Am

I have become so desperate to hear the words i love you To have some one show me Their meaning of love I cannot figure out why It may seem it was not said to me enough as a child Maybe it was neither expressed as well nor was i allowed to express it. Do i even understand what love is? I crave a feeling, An emotion i do not understand Barely holding on to my sanity Looking around for flimsy excuses I tell myself i can also be loved Looking for this tangible intangible emotion everywhere Once bitten twice shy is a phrase i am yet to understand Everyone keeps taking a bite out of me Am only happy to oblige hearing the words 'i love  you'. If at any point i feel a connection One i understand; i will gladly lay my self to be used as my captive prefers. What are you Who are you Why can i not be without you Where is the essence of you I want to want you back Only you were never gone


Sometimes i loose all myself reassurance Sometimes i feel like it's a little odd, you know ... You met me and i was strong and bold And i am strong and bold don't get me wrong It's just with you i recoil, recoiling into my shell The shell that i didn't even know that i had I am shaken when i see you and When i don't see you i go crazy. I know if you had asked me a couple of years ago; I would never had thought i was jealous But i know now, i am. And i know i have a jealousy, but then A calm and calculating jealousy And am afraid of it. I'm afraid i can find something out and keep it Keep it because at a point i don't want to hurt you At a point i don't want to hurt myself Crazy i know How much i love you so much that sometimes i don't even consider myself. Seeing how i become undone with insecurities Anyone looking in would not figure how, How fragile a touch from you makes me. Reveal yourself Reveal the you i cannot get behi...

Oui s'il vous plaît

I wished with all 10 stars you would not say hello The day i met you Keep trying to put things right or maybe off Though all these scenarios are in my head Doubt you know this; i tried to avoid you l know now, stars are not worth my trust Hello you said Followed the easiness and laughter like i have known you all my life All i could think about is, if i really was doing this. Saying yes Yes to an adventure, One i am scared off Stuck in my favorite place between sleep The place of uncertainty Again, that too is my favorite place That is my calmness Today though there is this sweet feeling that calls to me You seem to be my comfort Glad i met you. Today the adventure really was complete Butterflies refuse to settle Knowing my favorite place is safe Always say yes I woke up this morning with butterflies But that is to assume i slept at all Funny, but it really It is not


It is not usually for the faint of heart when bravery is spoken off. Most days i cant help but think if it was not for the brave Then again we all have the capacity to step forward when needed Only there is someone who is always ready Ready like they have prepared for this their whole life Yet we seldom fail to understand that the courage that brings us forth usually come through many forms. My bravery could be as a result of experience Yours could be the encouragement you have be exposed to Then again courage is a sense Who could have thought Thought that for all we put ourselves through bravery is a sense. The inkling that i can do it That i will step out of my fear Being brave has nothing to do with not being afraid We only say bring it on when fear knocks.


 Is it in your desolate nature? Or the stacks of clothing i cannot get behind  Pilling on the very existence that is us Lost, lost indeed Find me, Finding who i am Do not look at the algae There is always an untold story Just ask. There is always i helping hand