The Fool I Am

I have become so desperate to hear the words i love you
To have some one show me
Their meaning of love
I cannot figure out why
It may seem it was not said to me enough as a child
Maybe it was neither expressed as well nor was i allowed to express it.

Do i even understand what love is?
I crave a feeling,
An emotion i do not understand
Barely holding on to my sanity
Looking around for flimsy excuses
I tell myself i can also be loved
Looking for this tangible intangible emotion everywhere

Once bitten twice shy is a phrase i am yet to understand
Everyone keeps taking a bite out of me
Am only happy to oblige hearing the words 'i love  you'.
If at any point i feel a connection
One i understand; i will gladly lay my self to be used as my captive prefers.

What are you
Who are you
Why can i not be without you
Where is the essence of you
I want to want you back
Only you were never gone


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