
Sometimes i loose all myself reassurance
Sometimes i feel like it's a little odd,
you know ...
You met me and i was strong and bold
And i am strong and bold don't get me wrong
It's just with you i recoil, recoiling into my shell
The shell that i didn't even know that i had
I am shaken when i see you and
When i don't see you i go crazy.
I know if you had asked me a couple of years ago;
I would never had thought i was jealous
But i know now, i am.
And i know i have a jealousy, but then
A calm and calculating jealousy
And am afraid of it.
I'm afraid i can find something out and keep it
Keep it because at a point i don't want to hurt you
At a point i don't want to hurt myself
Crazy i know
How much i love you so much that sometimes i don't even consider myself.
Seeing how i become undone with insecurities
Anyone looking in would not figure how,
How fragile a touch from you makes me.
Reveal yourself
Reveal the you i cannot get behind
I cannot understand
I can say i am done hiding
I can...
Until i hear you speak or i smell the familiar scent of you
Unveil yourself or let me go.


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