Oui s'il vous plaît

I wished with all 10 stars you would not say hello
The day i met you
Keep trying to put things right or maybe off
Though all these scenarios are in my head

Doubt you know this; i tried to avoid you
l know now, stars are not worth my trust
Hello you said
Followed the easiness and laughter like i have known you all my life

All i could think about is,
if i really was doing this.
Saying yes
Yes to an adventure,
One i am scared off

Stuck in my favorite place between sleep
The place of uncertainty
Again, that too is my favorite place
That is my calmness
Today though there is this sweet feeling that calls to me

You seem to be my comfort
Glad i met you.
Today the adventure really was complete
Butterflies refuse to settle
Knowing my favorite place is safe
Always say yes

I woke up this morning with butterflies
But that is to assume i slept at all
Funny, but it really
It is not


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