
You don't have the strength to turn
Brace yourself
Look up
There's no sun
Sometimes I don't fully get it
Sometimes I think they do
We keep spinning
Walking past each other
Running past each other
We just don't know why
we need to be together
Understand each other
Scream to be free
Then, it goes silent
We keep it all in
And when the world literally shakes
We point fingers at who is to blame
Turn around
there's no one there
See the faults
Solve the problem
It's been you
It's been me all along
Must anyone be at fault?
Thought the idea was to compromise
They said we would fail
we smiled
We laughed
won't let the world shame us
We boldly told them; Never
Here we are
At cross roads
Backs against each other
Brace yourself
It's been you
It's been me
We stand for us
It has always been us
Why can't we take responsibility
Why can't we share blame
We face them separately now


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