Gen 1,2


Indulge me; we all believe the creation story; well those of us who do. Have you taken time to analyze it. 2 separate '' humans '' created, well... Some say 1 but I say 2. 2 trees in the middle of the garden, with 4 rivers. Who won't be tempted? 
Beauty is a sight for sore eyes they say.
And God saw that it was good. Isn't that interesting... God really isn't the poster boy for certainty amidst the choices he gives us, but one would think he knows; at least what is good. 
The earth they say was without form and was filled with darkenes... Hmmm.... 
Again how do you identify darkness. You see I think the concept of day and night derived from the nonexistent of light where darkness was indenfied makes creationism interesting. 
Back on the topic of the humans, wait let's do the tress first. 
1 tree on life, how interesting that's tree number 1.
2 tree of good and evil !?.. No wait.. Tree of Knowledge of good and evil and some how a reptile that what it is right?, managed to get the woman to pick the wrong tree... I mean she could have picked the tree of life for crying out loud. That's all I will say about this. 
Now the one I know you are waiting for. 
2 well let's just say '' people'' for now. 
Now I think if you analyze carefully you will agree. 
1 God created man in his own image, yes you and I agree what I found interesting I am yet to hear about correct me if am wrong is he created the Male and Female. But we he was looking for someone to tend to Eden that's when he formed the Man from the dust breath into his lungs and put him to work. There were lazy males and females in the beginning after all. 


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