Creative imaginations part 1

Creative imaginations – organizes events and does décor
Kirk – fashion designer (glamour)
Ruby – project/ relations manger                                                                  
Julius – architect
Lynn - accountant
Eve - trade attaché / controls shears in a restaurant
Mr. Erin Mensah - Ruby’s boss/ Sony technologies
Sarah – Ruby’s assistant
Barbara – Queen’s palace restaurant/Ruby’s friend
Phil – Julius girlfriend
Cindy - Kirk’s secretary  

Time 00:46 date 5/9/2008
Kirk - hello buddy, I need help urgently
Julius – with what
Kirk - hmm… am broke
Julius – huh!!!  Tell your wife, she might be able to help
 Kirk – that one she will even kill me
Julius – ha! Ha! Ha! And I can’t give you what I have am seeing Phil at the hospital she having one of those checkup of hers. (Meanwhile Ruby is in her room making a list for grocery and beauty treatment)
Kirk – man! Might have to push the show. Sorry about phil
Julius – thanks. I like her, I really do
Kirk – there….… that’s what you said about Annette but I won’t tell you the outcome of that and as always “she’s different”?
Julius – you read my mind
(They laugh)
But get the money I know Ruby has some
Kirk – you’re telling me .anyway how is her condition, is she home or admitted
Julius – admitted and I have no option than to comply with her doctors or she dies. I never realized how dangerous diabetes is
Kirk – wow! Is that what she has am sorry
Julius – apology accepted, good luck with Ruby .later
Kirk – luck with Ruby yeah! Right! .luck with Phil too, give her my best wishes
(After the hectic traffic, Julius manages to get to the hospital with, smiles on everyone faces he is assured of Phil’s health)
Doctor – hello good to see u again, here to see Phyllis?
Julius – yes doc, how is she, anyway sorry I was late traffic jam u know
Doc – she wanted to see u as soon as u arrived
Julius – hope everything is ok (doctor shows him in, smiles at both and walks out with)
Phil – hello dear how was your night (Julius gives her a peach) hmm... Such romance! Huh
Julius – hello and how was yours. You look brighten yet far away
Phil – I have something to tell u
Julius – cant it wait I just got here
Phil –not anymore, it waited for 3 weeks
(Just then the room fell silenced, for a while nothing moved, not even an eye blinked, the intensity was more than each could bear .what did she have to say, he was scared but he loved her just then he moved his gaze)
Julius I love u but lying to you hurts me the more. Diabetes is not why am here. I have lung tumor. I asked the doctors to give me a little time before I told you.i wanted to to protect u, all that u have spent is back in your accounts. Julius I want out.
Julius – you want out! Out! Out of what, out of my heart? Out of love?  No way! Look my dear if u want to die do it knowing am here , that someone loves u .I may understand why u choose to lie to me  and I may forgive u but why didn’t u use the money for an operation
Phil – the moment I get opened up I die anyway I only have a few more days
(Tears streaming down their faces)
Julius – Phil relax, let get married...Right now I’ll get a priest
Phil – no please don’t, don’t do this ….. I can’t
Julius - the only woman I ever loved will die without me getting the privilege to become his widower! No I’ll get the priest. (Julius runs out to look for the priest but they were too late, Phil gave up not long after. Julius found himself in uncontrollable tears, collapsed and spent the night in the bed of his ‘only’ love)
Early in the morning he was handed a letter which Kirk read to him
The letter: _ thank you for the lovely six months of my life, I have never known this much happiness until the afternoon poured coffee all over u; I still remember it like yesterday. Julius, my little prince, I thank you and wish you the best in all your endeavors. Live life to the fullest, for it is true nothing good last forever … now u are far away from me.
Ruby – whoa! Some choice of words for a final goodbye
Kirk – Ruby! For once say something appropriate. Julius am sorry you know how she is .Ruby and I will help u with everything .call anytime we’ll be there anytime buddy.
Julius – thanks for the offer but….
Ruby – there u go again you refuse everything; any help at all what kind of person are you. Change Julius change. Am hungry whose coming with me. Well guess I’ll go alone .bye guys
After a year not much has changed.
26/03/2009   time: 3 18am
Ruby looks as lovely as ever having been recruited as a personal secretary to the managing director of Sony Tech.
In the meantime setting a meeting for the board of directors was her priority at the moment.
Kirk is not very bright but manages.
On the phone (lady) –( she smiles whiles playing with her hair) I told u that movie would be interesting I only thank God you enjoyed yourself  and made me happy too. It was about time people saw that smile of yours again
Julius – well thanks for the evening, it really been a long time
Lady – about a year if am right I am grateful that it here at last .I hope we can do this again (shyly)
Julius – I don’t know
Lady – well it ok won’t push my luck. Thanks gain (hangs up)
(Julius drops the phone to pick a can of diet coke from the fridge. arranges his canvas and paint and brush then the phone rings again, he’s reluctant ,eventually picks up )
Kirk – hello buddy I thought she’s buried you alive I nearly called the cops
Julius - she nearly did anyway
Kirk – I think that will put you out of your misery sooner (laugh) how was your date; she didn’t take you to a horror movie did she?
Julius – lighten up she’s a nice girl
Kirk – do u like her, I hope u do, I think am getting tired of checking on u every second
Julius – you know you like keeping an eye on me brother. I think she was trying to ask for a second date but didn’t know how
Kirk – hope she didn’t say “we can do this again next time” 
Julius – yeah but she’s a nice girl
Kirk – hey stop defending I think you’re really hooked
Julius – be real
Kirk – do u have a date morrow? If not I think the bears are in town
Julius – wow, you’re on (hangs up)
 (Julius picks up a brush to paint and get a flashback of his date and conversation with Kirk, then smiles)
(the guys are out for their game ,Ruby get frustrated not being able to decide what to do with her day or the perfect beauty treatment, and decide to go to bed, no sooner had her head hit the pillow did she hear tow ecstatic voice )
Julius – hello!! My dear, my only love. How was your day?
Ruby – hi (reluctantly)
Julius – hey are u not happy to see me? Come on get up
Ruby - Am happy, I was trying to have some fun
Julius – where!! In your bed? Come on … so not u
Kirk – guess u run out of ideas then
Ruby – Love, u do know me (sarcastically)
Julius – come on people
Ruby – well I don’t have much time to tomorrow and I have not decided if I should go to the parlor or relax home and am a mess.
Kirk – stop joking you’re always beautiful with or without make up (holding her hands)
Julius – hey love birds, am here, he is right and that’s that. No store beauty this week, we cut our celebration short so you could share in our joy.
Kirk – love are u up for dinner
Ruby – oh what will I do with u two, if I say no u will drag me anyway
Julius – I’ll pick your dress hon.
( Julius picks a red dress ,a little above the knee has a V-neck  and the upper back bare ,lower back laced and a pair of silver heels)
(Both whistle)
Kirk - You look to die for (gives her a deep kiss)
Julius - can I at least get a hug, am Jealous
Ruby – ok, I won’t take all the credit, you two are uniquely handsome this evening. Will make sure no one steals u away from me. (Fixing Julius’ tie)
(While in the car they reminisce and discuss Julius’ bachelorship. On arrival they are taken to their seats and have a nice view of the ocean. They order a bottle of wine. They are being watched by one individual .when Ruby and Kirk got up to dance to their favorite classical tune a lady walks up to Julius.)
Lynn – excuse me (standing by his side) u look familiar are u Julius Parrish
Lynn – well, maybe, I went to achimota too
Julius –oh ok, mind my manners please take a sit (pulls out a chair)
Lynn – thanks anyway am Lynnette Williams
Julius – sorry I don’t remember u 
Lynn – I know we hardly ever met. But had a crush on u
Julius - really that’s something. Thus if u still have that crush
(Kirk and Ruby return beaming in smiles and holding hands)
Ruby – hey love we’re back, lost in a bubble I see
(Everyone’s sited)
Julius – hey, sorry a little I guess, this Lynn from achimota high, our badge
Lynn – hi Kirk, hi Ruby I do remember all of you
Julius – she was just telling me how she had a crush on me back then
Kirk – oh really, I would like to hear the stories, please join us
Ruby - she’s sitting already
Julius – Ruby, play nice
Lynn – it ok I know how protective she is of you two. It great u are all still friends
Kirk – yeah! Well I married her
Lynn – congrats. What of u. married??
Ruby – guys it late, we have to get going, sorry dear (smiles)
Lynn – no problem (hands Julius a card) Mondays are hectic for everyone (looks right at Ruby) call me sometime (gives Julius a peck, and walk away)
Ruby – not so shy anymore are we. Safe to say she’s not over that crush
Kirk – love give him a chance to be happy
Julius - (Julius kisses Ruby’s hand) thanks for tonight, I can take care of myself, and she seems nice
Ruby – nice indeed, a girl with a crush is dangerous esp. if she still has that crush
Kirk – dangerous makes the game fun and he needs that right now so leave it be
Julius – mum, dad, I can take care of myself and the girl in there is a ravishing beauty .I will give her a call by noon.
(Early Monday morning, Ruby’s getting ready for the meeting when Mr. Mensah arrives says hello and smiles at her which never happens and it throws her off, like she suddenly became visible to him. The meeting is successful and Erin is happy and invites Ruby to lunch. Meanwhile Kirk is in his office having a hard time explaining to his secretary that he loves his wife and that she should start behaving)-phone rings
Ruby – hello dear, hope that secretary of yours has her shirt on
Kirk – huh. I love u, u know that right
Ruby- - just want you to know we won the deal and my boss is taking me to lunch
Kirk- what! The ice finally broke? Told you he will come around. Make sure he tries nothing funny
Ruby – you don’t trust me now
Kirk – oh no I do but not your boss esp. the way u were looking this morning
Ruby – love I’ve got to go, how the designs are coming along
Kirk – you’ll see next Saturday love you (hand up)
(Intercoms his secretary)
Erin – Ruby, there’s a car waiting upfront if u are ready
Ruby – yes please
(On arrival they are shown their seats, Ruby was quite nervous since the ride over was a quiet one. Waiter comes around)
Erin – what would u like for lunch?
Ruby – salad and chicken
Erin – wine?
Ruby – red. Thanks
(They ate in silence it was during desert when Mr. Mensah brought up conversation, looking straight at her.)
Erin - How was your weekend
Ruby – quite ok
Erin – you are a beautiful woman and I think u are quite capable of taking care of each other
Ruby – sir, am married 
Erin – Erin, Ruby, Erin. Really. I don’t see how that’s a problem
Ruby – sir. Erin, am happily married. In love with my husband
Erin – which of them
Ruby -  excuse me?
Erin – which of the two men are u married to? (Ruby looks startled by the question) don’t be surprised I saw u yesterday, u were flirting with them both and they seem to enjoy it, u had fun yourself if I must say.
Ruby – Mr. Mensah, I really am happily married, if u were there the man I danced with was my husband and us my boss u should know am married when I submitted my application unless u didn’t see it. Plus what I do on my not official hours is none of your business
Erin – don’t be that offensive
Ruby –I think I should be. My private life should not be brought to the office. What did u hope to achieve anyway. Excuse me (she get up and walks off), picks her phone and dials Kirk’s private number, after a few rings there’s a voice)
Cindy – hello creative imaginations
Ruby – Cindy can I speak to my husband?
Cindy – sorry Ruby he’s in a meeting and asked not to be disturbed  
Ruby – Cindy he’s my husband and the owner
Cindy – (cuts her off) and my boss (offensively)
(Ruby gets so infuriated she hangs up and picks a taxi headed for the office)
Meanwhile Julius is fidgeting on what to say to Lynn. He keeps dialing and disconnecting for a while and finally decides to call, the phone rings for awhile and Lynn picks up there was a little hesitation)
Lynn – hello
Julius – hi Lynn
Lynn - hi there thought you were going to hung up again
Julius – sorry about that, I wasn’t sure it was a good idea calling, I was thinking if you would like to join me for a work out after work sometime
Lynn –oh really? (Silence on the line) oh you’re serious. Ok I guess, so this isn’t a date
Julius – well maybe we could grab a drink after. If that’s ok
Lynn – nice idea but you are the first to ask me out on a workout. Text me the details anyway. Can I invite you to breakfast tomorrow morning?
Julius – sorry I’ll be having a busy morning see u on Friday though
Lynn - Ok enjoy your day
(On that fateful Friday Lynn was lifting weight and in walks Julius)
4th April 2009
Julius – hey, aren’t u early
(Meanwhile at Ruby’s house, she’s in a warm scented bath and Kirk is sitting to the edge stroking her hair)
Kirk – as I told you, if your boss is the gentleman I believe he is he’ll take an apology and won’t bother you
Ruby – my God! Did you listen to me, the man is making passes at your wife and I should apologize and let it go?
Kirk – my love, it respect you should give him or u want to resign?
Ruby – if I could get another job I would
Kirk – do u know how that person will also behave? Girl, get out, get dressed and go to work at least let him know you value your work!
Ruby – but …
Kirk – no but go to work, remember I love you .I’ve got to get some things ready for the show bye (kisses her then leave)
Lynn – workout as a date isn’t really my thing but am ok as long as you are with me
13th April 2009
Julius – well thank u for being the first un annoying person this morning. I could get use to this.
Lynn – you are definitely welcome. I’ll give u a call when I get to work bye(leans over and gives him a peck)
(When Ruby gets to work, she meet she phone ringing none stop. She’s furious but deep down scared she might lose her job, finally she answers the call)
Ruby – Ruby
 Kirk – yeah hello I thought u died or something. Told you, you would be fine anyway I was checking in. love you.
(the minute she sets the receiver down the phone buzz again, reluctantly she picks up)
Ruby – Ruby
Eve – (with enthusiasm), hey girl how are you doing
Ruby – eve!? Aren’t you supposed to be back next month? 
Eve – yeah I know but I was not about to miss the biggest fashion show ever
Ruby – well they would be happy
Eve – how is Julius taking Phil’s death?
Ruby – actually he’s rather better these days, he’s been going out with sometimes, guess who we bumped into on our last date
Eve – tell me
Ruby – Lynnette Williams, form school who had a big crush on Julius
Eve – her? How is she
Ruby – I can say she still has that crush on your man
Eve – well too bad, anyway we need to talk u sound awful
Ruby – I’ll check my schedule and get back to u I need a shoulder, call u later (hangs up)
(The phone rings again) Ruby
Sarah – Mr. Mensah would like a word in his office
Ruby – (hesitates) ok. Thanks
Sarah – could u bring the file on your way out?
(takes a few deep breaths, walks out, hands Sarah a bunch of files. Swiftly walks up the stairs, taking each step with so as if it would escape her, upon reaching the door she hesitates as she opens it)
Ruby – sir u sent for me
Erin – ah!  Ruby how is our new project coming. Your presentation the other day was marvelous
Ruby – very well sir (her voice catching in her throat)
Erin – (all this while he wasn’t looking at her) well then, have a seat 
(She walks carefully and takes a seat across the desk)
Erin – comfortable are u
Ruby – yes sir
Erin – relax Ruby, you will fill this room with your nervous streak (nervousness) a drink perhaps
 Ruby - no thank you sir
Erin – (looks at her) I’ve told you to drop the formality
Ruby – (raising her voice) I have been telling you…
Erin – (cuts her off) I am being friendly and u are offensive? The project has been put on hold and seeing how hard u worked on the last one I want you to take some days off
Ruby – sir are u indirectly laying me off
Erin – firing my most efficient employee is not on my mind; anyway I hear Glamour Fashions is having an event this weekend (surprising look on Ruby’s face) unless u don’t want to support your husband
Ruby – you had me checked out?
Erin – no am updated on all my employees (with a cunning smile) anyway you have a few days off. Take it or leave it
Ruby – I think I’ll take it. If you will excuse me


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