
 I met a crazy last night

Never would i have thought crazy looked like that

Tall, dark and slender with sand in his hair 

I met crazy lastnight and it blew me away 

Kind,  funny and mysterious 

I met crazy on a long lonely road,  with the sun behind me and a soft breeze enveloping me on every side.

I had a conversation with crazy and it was enlightening

We spoke about life, love and beauty 

Along the way,  we picked up a friend on the bend of the road 

Crazy honked with excitement

Friend was worried for crazy and i could feel it, the sign and stern looks,  the dampen feeling of hopelessness 

Nevertheless crazy drove fast without his hand on the wheel and adviced to fasten our belts so he could go faster. 

That put a smile on my face after all crazy had a fascinating vibe

I met crazy last night and man!  I am lost for words. 


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