Cannot break through the shell you placed me in
Always told myself love wasn't made for me
This feeling boxes you in
Throws away the key by it self

  • But I loved love. 

You see; that is confusing and I know
The air we breath; the smile across my lips
The look that draws you in
That?, that for me is love.

I wonder why you tried so hard to prove me right
The tongue can not help but speak the words
The body just feels
The heart though is in no wrong but doing it's job.
It is the soul.
That free and damming thing
That's the one
The one that battles
That the man that jails you.

You share no part in the guilt it presents
All you did was draw me in
I get it; Don't get me wrong
Stated clearly you will make no promises
The realist in me adored that
Here I am trying to figure out who put me in this ice box
Imagine being pulled into a whirlwind
Freezing with no blanket of words or comfort
A friend though I find at the buttom of my misery
Words spoken over from a recollection of dead advice

Broken at my feet,
Footprints renamed scared
Shame I refuse to let cripple me


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