Faith Cure

realized, not that just did?
But thought it would change overtime
With affection and love
Erasing the insecurities
just came off as desperate
Not intentions had
Wanted the flowing smiles of easiness
Wanted the courage to break walls
Instead felt like red carpet of glass
Carefully maneuvering my way through
rubbers beneath my feet not solid enough
It not the blood am afraid of losing
the faith, once carried
Slipping through
Faith that you had my back
The light the shone above the house like hope
Now seen deep down the rivers of tears
What more is there to ask
You Said, Committed, Promised
Was it me? Too scared to find my way?
Or just not brave enough to ask for help
When you left me all alone
Where was I to go
When the trust in you started to fade
There was no words 
wished Job wavered
Could have Boldly said it's on you
You test us knowing the outcome


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