
Showing posts from May, 2016


First we talked Used to like to snuggle Be in you arms all day  Then there was telegram Where I would wait eagerly and earnestly To hear from you on your travels Then post Where you could express more love And passion Then telephone I could hear your voice and feel as though you were here Feel like you are caressing me with words everyone could see the stupid smiles on my face Then mobile We could talk all day anytime anywhere I could feel your presence like   you had never left Then Internet the basic human nature vanished I could barely understand what you were saying using all the new jargon I didn't know yet When I finally did Ha ha ha It would be replaced with new ones I sit in my corner and wonder What happened to us

Happy Mother's Day

When the world was created A gift was given to it Woman The lives they touched The work they did The anguish they went through Cannot be explained Women Are a blessing God gave them the power to create Nurture, Mold and Weave Mother The nine months period Of a special bond Pain and getting to know yet another being Mum Being a Teacher, Counselor, Friend and Companion Most importantly being Protective, a Doctor and Lifeguard Granny Making sure everyone else lives right And faithful towards God Guiding with your own experiences Woman Yes a blessing indeed What will the world do without you.


you know when everyone says life is not easy? yes!!! what the heck, life is not suppose to be easy how are we supposed to grow how is the next person to know not everything is free that the luxury was not from day to day but through tears and sweat and blood freedom is always at a cost the folks who had silver spoons; ask they weren't that silver we all do have our place, we cant all be equal simply because some of us find pride in working others in taking which are u?


I am the good u can not live without I am the bad that u can not live without The bad that makes u good The good that makes u bad         What am i Over the course of my life, I've encountered no shortage of those who would presume to speak of good and evil. Such terms means nothing. People do what is in their best interest, regardless of who gets hurt. When one takes what he wants to satisfy himself , even if doing so will cause another's suffering What some would call evil, I believe to be an appropriate response to a harsh and unfair world. All in an attempt to save our souls Mainly to make us feel better Things I conceal in order to make u safe The lies you tell me The truth you omit NECESSARY EVIL Float & Kyira