
Find myself texting you more often than not What I do with the rest of my time is think of you Not necessarily why I ended things Nor was it the fact that I was OK not hearing from you. I usually chunk it to knowing it was over before either of us took action. True if I dare say so myself Though, that thing where my heart skips a beat when I caught a glimpse of you Or the sheepish smile when I see an item I thought you would love That thing is annoying. You have made an impact in my life Whether I care to admit it or not I learn a little piece about me with each of you. But I never seem to hold on to anybody I doubt I have ever wanted to. Don't blame yourself too much Not that you did or you would ever Just that if the thought did occur Refrain from holding on to it. I would love to know sometimes that it did. It will be my pleasure to know someday you lived a full life