
Showing posts from February, 2019


If I try really hard enough This ache will go way Maybe not today or tomorrow Even in a month or year The act of strength I put on almost always crumble I know it is me because In trying so hard be independent I so realized I need you Everyday I surrender Or I think I have Am confused and depressed Knowing to tend to you But do I ?

Silent questions

It was not when I tasted the tear drop Nor was it when the mucus was so filled  I could barely hear remembered, When it was thou Not when the streets were so quite I wailed, no one asked why Realized it was me all along It had always been me I realized that day, I was a prop Feeding myself the assurance of eventualities Remembered how you didn't even recognise what was happening Even as I walked myself out Holding my breath and saying IT OK.


Hello Me; Today was like any other day. I tried like I always do, To be strong. But even the smile started to fade. You know; I heard it called depression. That I do not agree with. I don't feel inadequate Is that a lie? Don't I pride myself of being a pessimist? Well, I guess one without the other is an incomplete analysis. Wow..... Am tired already Just thinking about that. Anyway, all I wanted to say is, I don't feel like ME today. Am allowed ain't I? To be weak Cry Feel like I need love Like I need desperately to be held. Me. You know, we don't owe anyone our Strength Beauty, Togetherness, Toughness and or Assertiveness. Those care free days Where vulnerability is seen as a weakness A disability even Those are not cries for help!! We all need to recharge before a shutdown.