
Showing posts from October, 2016

Desire II

Be thralled by the darkness in me I want to rollover seeking your lips Your body to wrap myself in Your hand to move across my back Feel the warmth and smell you Am lost in thought you're staring at me Licking your lips  I unconsciously lick mine Hear my voice seek my face Unhindered Let me lead you into the storm that is me Engage me Ruffle my hair Kiss my lips Run your hands along my body Tease me Bite my lips I want to feel the bulging thickness that make me flustered   A stupid smile on my face  L ooking away cos am Shy Don't want you to see the glimpse of hope in my eye; a burning fire in my heart


You don't have the strength to turn Brace yourself Look up There's no sun Sometimes I don't fully get it Sometimes I think they do We keep spinning Walking past each other Running past each other We just don't know why we need to be together Understand each other Scream to be free Then, it goes silent We keep it all in And when the world literally shakes We point fingers at who is to blame Turn around there's no one there See the faults Solve the problem It's been you It's been me all along Must anyone be at fault? Thought the idea was to compromise They said we would fail we smiled We laughed won't let the world shame us We boldly told them; Never Here we are At cross roads Backs against each other Brace yourself It's been you It's been me We stand for us It has always been us Why can't we take responsibility Why can't we share blame We face them separately now


Want me Desire me Want me Desire me When I say want me I mean Undress me with your eyes I want to feel you eyes Like I feel your hands I want to share a look When you see me from afar Look at me Look into my eyes.... Smile Walk straight towards me Walk past me Just touch my fingers My eyes will drift to yours You smile back at the smile already waiting on my lips Want me cos I want to be wanted I want to be desired and I want YOU