
Showing posts from November, 2014

Creative imaginations part 1

Creative imaginations – organizes events and does décor Kirk – fashion designer (glamour) Ruby – project/ relations manger                                                                   Julius – architect Lynn - accountant Eve - trade attaché / controls shears in a restaurant Mr. Erin Mensah - Ruby’s boss/ Sony technologies Sarah – Ruby’s assistant Barbara – Queen’s palace restaurant/Ruby’s friend Phil – Julius girlfriend Cindy - Kirk’s secretary   Doctor Time 00:46 date 5/9/2008 Kirk - hello buddy, I need help urgently Julius – with what Kirk - hmm… am broke Julius – huh!!!  Tell your wife, she might be able to help  Kirk – that one she will even kill me Julius – ha! Ha! Ha! And I can’t give you what I have am seeing Phil at the hospital she having one of those checkup of hers. (Meanwhile Ruby is in her room making a list for grocery and beauty treatment) Kirk – man! Might have to push the show. Sorry about phil Julius – thanks. I