
Showing posts from January, 2019

I Do.

We go through life, All of us,hoping, wishing; That the day of Glory would come upon us. I have a story We all individually have scene to play That makes the big picture Looking at you,I know exactly where you are supposed to be Right here with me Incidents sometimes accidentally happens to the best of us What do we make out of it though This journey is a singular one though I need you,likewise you me Held hands is not a show of strength, Entirely. Bring me up when both of mine cannot support me any longer This is not my story Stories are only told from the perspective of the teller Am a bad story teller. What is your view? This is our story Say I do.


Don't want to just have good days A relationship takes two If you say you love me; with our track record, I will need some prove. In all the times we have done this I have loved with all of me even in my defiance of you. Communication is the key that holds us both together and at bay. Our distance makes way for silence, then secrets,then insecurities. I so hate the feelings of being the other woman being treated like this

Cross roads

The concept of fighting for this I didn't want to consider no more You see I hoped, longed even That you would come back Never have we been alright Yet that is who we are Being able to speak out And yet we both seemed to shy away from the truth Somehow claiming truth Priding ourselves with an illusion on honesty Can we make this work? Whatever it is we fight, Is lurking in the shadows More patient with the understanding of us Sometimes I think you want us no more Proved visible by your absence My constant fear, the void that encompasses me Is it my show of strength that comes off as attitude?? Your authoritative nature, the silent treatment, The love we say we feel.